You will not find a single mobile phone without games on it. The mobile game industry is making its way toward success and look for profound ways to create a game that hit the market and makes an appealing presence among the targeted audience.
Several popular games are here such as Candy Crush, Subway Surfers, PUBG, COD, and others that made a good impression on the audience and the gamers play these games for hours and hours.
And this leads the industry much forward and now the developers are creating games with newer technologies. But this is not enough, marketing is also required to get the app to display and build people’s interest.
Here is a 6 steps market plan to promote your mobile game application.
Marketing Research
The first thing that is really important to market your game is to know about the market. If you want to avoid any type of confusion between your game, market, and target audience, then you have to find a niche for your game. The marketing research is done even before you start developing the game., You can search for the trending games and genres that people love and want to play.
And if have already developed a game, researching your competitors is essential. You have to check on how they are marketing their game, what is their target audience, and what method they are using to improve their game.
Examine The Competitors
As said before, competitors are really important to you. You have to find similar mobile games as yours and examine them accurately. Make a list of everything you note while browsing the game. You can look into the reviews of their games; it will help you to find what their audience like most and dislike.
Check the title of the game, how they present their games in the screenshots, and how they wrote their descriptions – everything matters.
Pitch Game To Publisher
Finding a publisher for your game is not that easy, it seems like an impossible task. Game publisher indeed takes care of the promotion of the game, but they also take a part of the income. And if you don’t want to publish your game through a third party, you can get concrete feedback from them. Game publishers focus on the marketability of your game and these insights will help you.
Mobile Game App Store Optimization
Mobile game promotion is very much difficult if you don’t do the app store optimization (ASO). You have to do your homework to understand eh point of view. The app store optimization includes keyword research, title and description optimization, app icon, reviews, localizations, images, and videos. You have to take care of everything.
These things will help your app to be discovered by your targeted audience, they search the term just as the title of your name or similar.
Game Promo Video
Videos are very essential, especially if you have to show your target audience something. You can introduce your audience with a promo video of your game. Start by writing a script for your app. Outline the concept. Carefully created the video and show the unique selling point of your app through the promotional video.
For example, the game Sims 4 is a social simulation game and the user doesn’t know what it is about. The game promo video will show how to become a famous singer In Sims 4 to allure the players.
Social media campaigns
You must run a social media campaign for your apps to promote them. You can share content and videos on social media handles to show what they will get while playing your game. You can go organic but the paid advertising option is also there for you to help you to reach your audience much faster.