A self-appraisal involves asking employees to reflect on and assess their job perfomance over a certain period of time. The primary purpose of self appraisal is to make an employee work on their own professional development.
This is done so because a traditional perfomance review can reduce an employee’s sense of autonomy and control, but self-appraisal tends to do the exact opposite. iT provides the employee with full oppurtunity to assess their perfomance and allows them to weigh in on it.
All the more, the intention of a “self-appraisal” is to offload work from the manager by reassigning the task to a particular employee. This is done to get an employee to think very critically about their role, work and experience.
Self appraisals also aid supervisors and managers in seeing from the unique POV of an employee and, in turn gain a novel understanding of the career progression of an employee.
Reasons Why One Should Be Using Self Appraisals
Here are a few reasons why one should Self-Appraisals:
The employees will feel empowered
Giving the employees an oppurtunity to reflect and assess the perfomance will give them the ownership of their employee and work experience.
By being an active participant in the appraisal rather than a passive recipient, you will feel more engaged and motivated in your work in the company. That form of motivation can lead to an improved work perfomance and eventually a brighter future.
Employee relations can be improved.
By mixing up the manager reviews and self appraisals, you will be essentially removing the “us vs them” mentality that frequently comes when it comes to traditional type of reviewing.
The supervisors and managers can learn a lot about an employee’s values, motivations and approach in the duration of this time. After that they can use that information for effective form of communication with the employee and lead to establishing a longer employee relationship with them.
Discrepancies can be considerably reduced
By getting an employee’s account of their perfomance, you will be adding more transparency to the process of appraisal.
Instead of only being reviewed on what the manager only sees, the employee can instead help in painting a larger picture of what their exact role is, their weaknesses and achievements, and quickly clarify the discrepancies too.
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.The employees gain previously unattainable insight.
An employee’s discussions and self appraisal that stem out can provide the employers with a very unique insight into their team that they cannot obtain from a traditional perfomance review. This insight goes way beyond whether or not that particular employee has met the quotas and deadlines and into those particular areas such as career goals, job satisfactions and motivations.
Ways To Instill Self-Appraisal Amongst Staff
Here are a few ways how you can encourage self-appraisal amongst your staff:
- You should create safe spaces meant for reflection. Here the employees will get to reflect on and be curious about the various aspects of their team(department) and their position.
- Offer your employees with flexible form of work schedules and let them also pursuit things outside their work. This will lead to them increasing their levels of creativity.
- Organize structured form of planning and workshop sessions. Gather up a team consisting of different types people in it (employees of varied roles). They will get to gain a perspective of the different departments of a company and also work and get to learn some new skills.
The Downsides Of Only Using Self Appraisals
Self Appraisals are indeed helpful, but usage of only self-appraisals alone may not be accurate if the employee is not critical or honest enough. It can also be the case that the employee is too critical of themselves and are not able to recognize their accomplishments or even career progression.
For instance, an employee may be underperforming in a particular aspect of their job but not wholly understand its impact on their department or the company. This is where the manager’s viewpoint comes into play and becomes crucial.
To Wrap It Up!
After reading all of the information provided above, I hope you got to know why it is essential to encourage self reflection .
Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the same.
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I am Eric Watson, a Freelance Blogger and well Content Writer with a little over five years
of experience in the industry. I have some creative ideas and share my thoughts through
blogging. I am passionate about writing for Tech, Health, Business &Finance Etc.
These are my sites Most Valued Business, Health Journal 365, Beauty Style Guide, Womens Magazine, Get the feed and Ev authority.