Author: Jais Frank

Jais Frank is a freelance content writer and enthusiastic blogger. He is the co-founder of Contentrally. He contributes to many authority blogs such as Mashum Mollah, Follow The Fashion, Search Engine Magazine, Social Media Magazine, Blogstellar, Singapore News Hub, Singapore Journals, Okey Magazine, Top Preference, Big Jar News, Global Business Diary. He also likes to write in many international magazines and journals.

With the rise in the number of social media users in recent years, it has become imperative for all types of businesses to have a strong presence on social media. One of the biggest benefits of having a social media presence is that you will have access to a large number of your target customers since most of them spend a significant amount of time on social media. If you run a law firm, social media is a great place for you to find new clients. The humanizing power of social media will help your brand to attract more customers…

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