Author: Muhammad moosa

Today, we’re going to be talking about how to mitm attack an Android app. In general, this is a technique that can be used to gain access to the backend of an app or web service. By attacking the API, we can inject malicious code into the system and take advantage of any vulnerabilities that may exist. So what do we need for this? We’ll need some tools and knowledge about Android app development and hacking. However, once you have all of that, you’re ready to start your attack! In this blog post, we will walk you through the entire…

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Salesforce Deduplication is a feature that has been available in the Salesforce platform for some time now. What is it? It’s a way to keep your data organized and simplified so you can focus on what matters most: your sales process. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the basics of Salesforce Deduplication, why you should care about it, and how you can get started using it to streamline your sales process. What is Salesforce Deduplication ? SD is a process that helps reduce the number of objects in Salesforce by identifying duplicates and consolidating them into one object.…

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When you think about it, remarketing and retargeting are two pretty similar terms. They both involve targeting your audience with ads and other forms of marketing in order to drive them back to your website or store. The only real difference between the two is that remarketing is generally targeted towards people who have already visited your website or shop, whereas retargeting is aimed at people who have not yet visited your site. So why does this matter? Well, if you can successfully target your retargeting ads to people who haven’t visited yet, then you’re giving yourself a much better…

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Conversion rate is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. It’s the percentage of people who take the desired action—in this case, buying something from your website—compared to the number of people who visited your website. While there are a number of different factors that can affect conversion rate, one of the best ways to improve it is through the use of shopify apps. Here are five of the best ones to help boost your website’s conversion rate! Shopify Custom Shopping Shopify apps that can help you boost your website’s conversion rate.Shopping on the internet can be a…

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If you’re anything like us, you spend a lot of time on your website or blog. You might be creating content, building social media followers, or just getting things up and running. And while it’s important to invest in good tools that will help you do your job better, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 fun and useful heatmap tools for website and blog owners. From traffic analysis to comparative analysis, these tools will help you see what works and what doesn’t on your site. So whether you’re…

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